Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Moulin Rouge


At first the singing was quiet then it became louder and louder, it was like narrating.This makes us concentrate on what he was singing then the typing was like at the same volume which caught our attention to what he was typing.
The music made it mystery and creepy & kind of ....
- roller coaster ride
- drama
- historical
- musical
- dramatic epic qualities
- surreal
- bizarre
- match cut
- at first we could hear and see but then we couldn't see the person
- the orchestra caught the attention
- fading in and out of the image of the boy (overlay-ed) France behind him
- fade out + volume
- dolly shot pans into the seen
- zooms in establishing shot
- to the heart of the action
- it would stop at parts to show us how some people acted and their behaviour
- black & white
- absent bar- hallucination
- slight use of colour ( the main themed building, red , passion, love, death)
- colour fading in and becoming more saturated bringing the story to life
- cut away close up shots of his face- emotional
- dramatic music
- time lapse slowed down ( showing someones view of someone who is disorientation, drunk, confused, lost in the crowed)
- Very colourful clothing but slightly freaky.
- a change, a different scene,mixing together
- the end of the dramatic music and coming the a sad piano
- to a very cheerful or like a traditional classic music
- continuous of
- same views, scenes are shown again with people more cheerful and colour and bright compared to how it was shown at first
- his voice was like more excitement
- an undertone of something dark about to happen.

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