Sunday, February 5, 2012

Homework : Image Analysis

The image above is of a very busy environment that does not have a lot of light, which shows that they have poor work, health and safety policies. It gives off a very intense and intimidating atmosphere like, if you walk in you'd be in the way and that you're presence isn't very welcomed. It would be likely that the person would be ignored and everyone wouldn't even notice that someone walked in or left. It shows that the people know what they are doing and that it is a workplace where you wouldn't hear talking but just tapping, people walking, running, paper flipping, draws opening and closing etc.The place may be poorly lit but it doesn't give the sense that it is a secret workplace where they do things that they don't want people to know but instead it is a place that people can find out about but people tend to not know of it because they work in the background/behind the scenes of what is going on outside.
In the top left, though a little blurry, you can see a man standing and observing the men working. Therefore, I'd assume that they are doing important work.

1 comment:

  1. Good Camille...good analysis of mise-en-scene elements. I'd like to see you commenting on cinematography too though.
