Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Classes this Week

Movie : Angel . A
We saw a part of this movie which was in another language. It was of a scene where a man is in the bathroom with a tall beautiful lady. It began with the lady telling the man to look into the mirror as say what he sees and describe himself and to love himself. The lady seemed like someone who didn't exist as there was also a part where she disappeared and reappeared. The camera also panned from a view where we can see both faces in the mirror to being the mirror and seeing the man looking into the mirror.

Movie : The City of Lost Children
Today we started watching the City of lost Children, it began soft then weird, warped, which indicated it wasn't real and was a dream but it was a lot like a nightmare. We then see like a laboratory area with kind of chaotic people... from the movie we learn of the match cut - where it is of the same or similar place or area but at a different time. It is a creepy and a type of sci-fi movie. We also learn of the establishing shot, where it shows a view of where it is taking place, which is a secluded place, a building above water in the middle of nowhere.

Movie: Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind
We started watching a movie which is about memory, we began at a scene where a lady with red hair is lying on the ice, snowy floor with a man who is trying to remember the memories he erased after they broke up.
The lighting in the scene we see is of only the main character and everything else around is dark which gives us the impression of it not being real and as though it was a light that is searching through the darkness and trying to keep everything in the light.

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