Monday, February 20, 2012

Film Style - The elements of film

Basic Film Terminology

Shot -> Edit -> Scene
- one continuous shot, using the same shot type
- continuous shot without interruptions
- lasts about 10 sec
- you can pan and tilt but its continuous, camera doesn't stop
- camera on and camera off = shot
- one single shot before editing
-Camera or subjects can move as long as its still filming
After editing it turns into a scene
- a break in a film
- in between shots
- cuts
- dissolve (fades, smooth) ( one shot to another is usually a cross dissolve)
- fade generally end of the shot, fades into a colour e.g. black or white
- Wipe - not as common as others
- collection of shots, arranged by edit into order
- analysis is usually in scenes not shots
- some scenes are shorter than others according to adrenaline etc

- categories of composition
e.g. fantasy, horror, comedy, romance, action, drama etc

Film Language

-Mise En Scene

Mise En Scene
French for to put in the scene
style of acting -> props -> setting -> lighting -> style of acting
Framing -> Camera position -> camera movement (tilt,pan, zoom etc) -> focus (focus pulling ( focus on a person face to background , shift), drawn to whatever is clear not blurry) -> Perspective (dialogue, what others are looking at, view point) --> exposure (lighting, underexposed (dark), overexposed (light), change of mood) --> speed ( how fast the camera/ editing--> framing ( whats in and out of the shot)
Can create a rhythm or pace in a film
does it create a beat to the film?
e.g quick shots in action film
It can create a feeling of time passing
Graphic relationships between shots, jump cut which shorten events
match cut make something that looks like something else into that something else.

Jeep Commercial

Passing of time - sun set
- time passing (wasted, you could take the jeep to do other stuff)
- Keeps changing from nite to day
- lots of different places
Match cut- sparklers to sun, lots of different people driving in the same type of car, road.


Music -> Sound Effects( overall, hints of whats happening, adds to the narrative and overall atmosphere) -> Dialogue(the plot) -> Music(creates mood, emotional response)
Voice over / Narration

1 comment:

  1. Good notes Camille. You need to write in more depth on the Jeep commercial though.
