Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Moulin Rouge Analysis Essay

Sound & Editing

The Movie Moulin Rouge by ... . The Genre of its introduction is ... as... . For this scene, I will be analysing the Sound & Editing because sound and editing has a large impact to the beginning of the movie and therefore would be a good example. In addition, it is also a musical film, which means that voice, sound/ music would play a big part in the film. At first the singing was quiet, we could hear and see but then we couldn't see the person, there was images fading in and out, the image of the boy (overlay-ed) with France behind him.Showing the main character. Then the orchestra caught the audiences attention. Then singing became louder and louder, it was like narrating.This makes us concentrate on what he was singing then the typing was like at the same volume which caught our attention to what he was typing. The music made it mystery and creepy but then it had a feeling of sadness, and classical old music, with it being black and white made it seem as though it was a memory or of someone's story. Like it was something that made you expect it to be that.

Time lapse then it slowed down, showing someones view of someone who is disorientation, drunk, confused and lost in the crowed. There were very colourful clothing but it also seemed slightly freaky, with how the camera moved as if someone was drunk, it made you slightly sick or it gave you the feeling of a confused lost child who was going to cry if they didn't find their parent soon. There was a change, a different scene,mixing together.The end of the dramatic music and then come a sad piano to a very cheerful or like a traditional classic music. To the time of when the world still seemed wonderful. The same views, scenes are shown again with people more cheerful and colour and bright compared to how it was shown at first.Narrating voice was filled with more excitement.
- an undertone of something dark about to happen. S

Moulin Rouge


At first the singing was quiet then it became louder and louder, it was like narrating.This makes us concentrate on what he was singing then the typing was like at the same volume which caught our attention to what he was typing.
The music made it mystery and creepy & kind of ....
- roller coaster ride
- drama
- historical
- musical
- dramatic epic qualities
- surreal
- bizarre
- match cut
- at first we could hear and see but then we couldn't see the person
- the orchestra caught the attention
- fading in and out of the image of the boy (overlay-ed) France behind him
- fade out + volume
- dolly shot pans into the seen
- zooms in establishing shot
- to the heart of the action
- it would stop at parts to show us how some people acted and their behaviour
- black & white
- absent bar- hallucination
- slight use of colour ( the main themed building, red , passion, love, death)
- colour fading in and becoming more saturated bringing the story to life
- cut away close up shots of his face- emotional
- dramatic music
- time lapse slowed down ( showing someones view of someone who is disorientation, drunk, confused, lost in the crowed)
- Very colourful clothing but slightly freaky.
- a change, a different scene,mixing together
- the end of the dramatic music and coming the a sad piano
- to a very cheerful or like a traditional classic music
- continuous of
- same views, scenes are shown again with people more cheerful and colour and bright compared to how it was shown at first
- his voice was like more excitement
- an undertone of something dark about to happen.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Part B/A

Part B Notes
introduce film, introduce film genre
conventions of the film
how does it show that?
mise en scene
can be classified as the chosen genre
make sure that it is clear and specific reference to film
choose a few things to discuss in depth
body paragraph
explain the arguement
leave reader with a clear conclusion to ur findings

Part A Genre Activity

Comedy Films
Comedies are light-hearted plots consistently and deliberately designed to amuse and provoke laughter (with one-liners, jokes, etc.) by exaggerating the situation, the language, action, relationships and characters. This section describes various forms of comedy through cinematic history, including slapstick, screwball, spoofs and parodies,romantic comedies, black comedy (dark satirical comedy), and more.

Crime & Gangster Films
Crime (gangster) films are developed around the sinister actions of criminals or mobsters, particularly bankrobbers, underworld figures, or ruthless hoodlums who operate outside the law, stealing and murdering their way through life. Criminal and gangster films are often categorized as film noir or detective-mystery films - because of underlying similarities between these cinematic forms. This category includes a description of various 'serial killer' films.

Drama Films
Dramas are serious, plot-driven presentations, portraying realistic characters, settings, life situations, and stories involving intense character development and interaction. Usually, they are not focused on special-effects, comedy, or action, Dramatic films are probably the largest film genre, with many subsets.

Epic Historical Films
pics include costume dramas, historical dramas, war films, medieval romps, or 'period pictures' that often cover a large expanse of time set against a vast, panoramic backdrop. Epics often share elements of the elaborate adventure films genre. Epics take an historical or imagined event, mythic, legendary, or heroic figure, and add an extravagant setting and lavish costumes, accompanied by grandeur and spectacle, dramatic scope, high production values, and a sweeping musical score. Epics are often a more spectacular, lavish version of a biopic film. Some 'sword and sandal' films (Biblical epics or films occuring during antiquity) qualify as a sub-genre.

Today's Lesson

-match cut
-jump cut
-slow motion/montage
-wipe transition
-still/thaw frame
-form cut
-flash cuts
-time lapse photography
-freeze frame

Today we watched a Feature Length Film - Russian Ark and reviewed some techniques from last lesson.

- to make emotion etc
- how clear it is, volume, effect,impact, conscious?sub-conscious?
- diagetic sound and non-diagetic sound
- diagetic = to hear what you see
- non-diagetic = to hear but not see
- same timing as what is seen unless for other purposes

Sahara intro
- you see the island at first then your sight is concentrated on the lights that show up one at a time
- afterwards we are scanning over someones wall full of photos of their life
- the map that then fades into the setting of where the movie begins. the name of
with bad dream
- it seems to fit better but the lighting of the movie still affects the feeling you get. i think if the lighting was darker then it will fit better with the movie.

From the original movie,(song:right place wrong time)you concentrate on all the army forces and life with friend. It slightly gives off the sense that it would be an action movie and after changing the song it gives off the feeling that one of the two had died and it feels sad. It now gives a sense that it is more of a movie that is of someones memories(reflection). When the original song was played it gave the feeling that the intro was really long and you get impatient but with the second song you don't feel as though its dragging so long as the original because it's as though its meant to be slow but with a faster song and slow panning, it makes you want to hurry it up or skip it.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Film Style - The elements of film

Basic Film Terminology

Shot -> Edit -> Scene
- one continuous shot, using the same shot type
- continuous shot without interruptions
- lasts about 10 sec
- you can pan and tilt but its continuous, camera doesn't stop
- camera on and camera off = shot
- one single shot before editing
-Camera or subjects can move as long as its still filming
After editing it turns into a scene
- a break in a film
- in between shots
- cuts
- dissolve (fades, smooth) ( one shot to another is usually a cross dissolve)
- fade generally end of the shot, fades into a colour e.g. black or white
- Wipe - not as common as others
- collection of shots, arranged by edit into order
- analysis is usually in scenes not shots
- some scenes are shorter than others according to adrenaline etc

- categories of composition
e.g. fantasy, horror, comedy, romance, action, drama etc

Film Language

-Mise En Scene

Mise En Scene
French for to put in the scene
style of acting -> props -> setting -> lighting -> style of acting
Framing -> Camera position -> camera movement (tilt,pan, zoom etc) -> focus (focus pulling ( focus on a person face to background , shift), drawn to whatever is clear not blurry) -> Perspective (dialogue, what others are looking at, view point) --> exposure (lighting, underexposed (dark), overexposed (light), change of mood) --> speed ( how fast the camera/ editing--> framing ( whats in and out of the shot)
Can create a rhythm or pace in a film
does it create a beat to the film?
e.g quick shots in action film
It can create a feeling of time passing
Graphic relationships between shots, jump cut which shorten events
match cut make something that looks like something else into that something else.

Jeep Commercial

Passing of time - sun set
- time passing (wasted, you could take the jeep to do other stuff)
- Keeps changing from nite to day
- lots of different places
Match cut- sparklers to sun, lots of different people driving in the same type of car, road.


Music -> Sound Effects( overall, hints of whats happening, adds to the narrative and overall atmosphere) -> Dialogue(the plot) -> Music(creates mood, emotional response)
Voice over / Narration

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

6 Storyboard Images


-Little girl
-Hot Investigator

Take one little girl, make her find her mum dead with a creepy clown standing over her body.
In confusion, she runs out the house screaming and eventually loses sanity.
Clown and supposedly dead parent runs out the house to calm the child, a prank on Halloween.
After a nights sleep the child wakes to see her mum lying dead on the kitchen floor, blood draining out of her.
A knife in her hand. Blood flowing down her arms, she screams.
Father comes home from work finds child gone,wife dead. Have the dad find the child after going through some horror and is accused of killing his wife and child.
Father end up dead as he slowly goes insane as he becomes confused and really blame himself what's happens.
The child is found after a few years by a hot man reopening this case.
Put in some horror on his journey and gruesome stories of what happened to the child after disappearance.
He ends up finding the child at an older age, who has gone insane and still killing...

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Homework : Image Analysis

The image above is of a very busy environment that does not have a lot of light, which shows that they have poor work, health and safety policies. It gives off a very intense and intimidating atmosphere like, if you walk in you'd be in the way and that you're presence isn't very welcomed. It would be likely that the person would be ignored and everyone wouldn't even notice that someone walked in or left. It shows that the people know what they are doing and that it is a workplace where you wouldn't hear talking but just tapping, people walking, running, paper flipping, draws opening and closing etc.The place may be poorly lit but it doesn't give the sense that it is a secret workplace where they do things that they don't want people to know but instead it is a place that people can find out about but people tend to not know of it because they work in the background/behind the scenes of what is going on outside.
In the top left, though a little blurry, you can see a man standing and observing the men working. Therefore, I'd assume that they are doing important work.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Classes this Week

Movie : Angel . A
We saw a part of this movie which was in another language. It was of a scene where a man is in the bathroom with a tall beautiful lady. It began with the lady telling the man to look into the mirror as say what he sees and describe himself and to love himself. The lady seemed like someone who didn't exist as there was also a part where she disappeared and reappeared. The camera also panned from a view where we can see both faces in the mirror to being the mirror and seeing the man looking into the mirror.

Movie : The City of Lost Children
Today we started watching the City of lost Children, it began soft then weird, warped, which indicated it wasn't real and was a dream but it was a lot like a nightmare. We then see like a laboratory area with kind of chaotic people... from the movie we learn of the match cut - where it is of the same or similar place or area but at a different time. It is a creepy and a type of sci-fi movie. We also learn of the establishing shot, where it shows a view of where it is taking place, which is a secluded place, a building above water in the middle of nowhere.

Movie: Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind
We started watching a movie which is about memory, we began at a scene where a lady with red hair is lying on the ice, snowy floor with a man who is trying to remember the memories he erased after they broke up.
The lighting in the scene we see is of only the main character and everything else around is dark which gives us the impression of it not being real and as though it was a light that is searching through the darkness and trying to keep everything in the light.