Monday, April 30, 2012

Film Synopsis : Interview - Vamp combined

The screen begins black and fades into the first scene. 

The priest is seen from below in a tense atmosphere clenching to the side balcony, the only sound heard is the priest’s panic, his heavy but slow breathing, hands clenching hard down on the balcony, eyes continuously scanning around looking for a quick escape and the slow footsteps of the vampire who can be seen  over the priest’s shoulders moving ever so closer.

Screen cut.

The vampire seems powerful from a shot from below but not merciful despite the bright light shining through the church windows in the background. The screen follows the priest right to left as he tries to run away in a third persons point of view (screen track, leveled shot). Sounds of shuffling from the clothes against the balcony and hurried steps to get away could be heard.

Screen cut. 

Immediately, the vampire leaps onto the priest and the priest is thrown against the altar. The priest struggles from the grasps of the vampire destroying the objects set on the altar could be heard as the objects made their way to the floor.  The vampire throws the body onto the altar and bites into the neck. The priest stops his struggle and the vampire feeds on him as the screen moves out. The screen continues to move out further and it is seen that Christ statue is watching over this act upon the altar table as the priest’s life is being sucked out.

Screen fades out.

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