Sunday, April 29, 2012


Allow filmmaker to pre-visualise their ideas and refine them in the same way a scriptwriter refines their ideas through a succession of drafts.
Give the team a better understanding on the project and looks wanted within the film. To show not tell. 

Shot Types:
-       Wide shot
-       Long shot
-       Medium shot
-       Close up
-       Extreme close up
-       Low angle (looking down)
-       High angle (looking up)
-       Over the shoulder shot
Having a range of shots makes the film more interesting
Zooming in, out and panning
Details about dialogue, camera action anything that will add to reading the story board.

Camera position:
-       High Camera angle – looks down on subject
-       Low Camera angle – makes subject look important and more powerful
-       Level Camera Angle – even with the subject
-       Long Shot – long range of distance between the camera and subject
Illustrate Camera movement by arrows.
Note any dialogue used in the film

Storyboard Language
Pan : steady sweep of camera
POV: from someone elses point of view
REACTION SHOT - 1 : someone looking off screen, a reaction of someone in conversation
ZOOM: In and out from subject
Edit: dissolves, fade out, jump cut
Tilt: using a camera on a tripod, the camera moves up or down to follow the action.

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