Monday, August 15, 2011

blood beginning & research

reference :

To find what wasn't right, I asked a friend to take a look and see if she got the meaning behind the flashes and unfortunately she didn't :( but I need the people who see it to get it so I thought of things that represented blood more, my friend gave the idea of having red blotches of blood dripping onto the screen. I've thought of that but it didn't seem right for a whole lot of people dieing and like its not just one person and its also supposed to show collision? (do you get what I mean?)
So then it was definite that whatever the idea was it had to end up covering the whole screen in blood and then thinking of horror movies came up with the idea of blood dripping down the page and eventually covering it all up but I didin't know how to do that so I went on google and searched up some examples.

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