Friday, August 26, 2011

watch only 1 min 13 sec

The reason why the blood seemed kind of rushed at the end wasn't because I wanted to go with the song, that was plain coincidence. As I mentioned before, the blood was taking up too much time to do, truthfully I didn't think it would take this long and I was kind of losing my patience and getting sick of it so I ended up just doing it however I thought it would be like without following the rest of the example I found. Luckily, my decision was right and wasn't regrettable when it fit with the song.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

blood cont.

Following the examples were taking too long and my timmmeeee was running out, so I ended up just going with my instincts as to how the rest will be but I didn't get to do much of it after making that decision today.

Monday, August 15, 2011

blood beginning & research

reference :

To find what wasn't right, I asked a friend to take a look and see if she got the meaning behind the flashes and unfortunately she didn't :( but I need the people who see it to get it so I thought of things that represented blood more, my friend gave the idea of having red blotches of blood dripping onto the screen. I've thought of that but it didn't seem right for a whole lot of people dieing and like its not just one person and its also supposed to show collision? (do you get what I mean?)
So then it was definite that whatever the idea was it had to end up covering the whole screen in blood and then thinking of horror movies came up with the idea of blood dripping down the page and eventually covering it all up but I didin't know how to do that so I went on google and searched up some examples.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

red flash

So that I didn't need to draw the actual part where the soldiers collide I made it flash in the middle before they collided and then these flashes where meant to show collision in place of it but somehow... it doesn't seem right.

Flash intersection first verse and chorus

As I said before about the flash intersections this was the trials for getting the timing right and then you can see the whole thing that I've done so far together.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Black and White

This idea came up when I thought the white background didn't go with the whole animation I've done so far so I tried to colour the background into black but on some slides I weren't able to do that, and I didn't really want to go through all the trouble of cutting and pasting and erasing stuff again just to change the background black. Then the idea of having it flashing black and white came up, so I just coloured all the ones that were able to be coloured in black in the background and turned the soldiers white and tried to do that so it was like every second slide if not some were every third slide.

Monday, August 1, 2011

walking soldier + copy

Okay, so I finished my soldier running, like FINALLY. It took forever to figure out how many different images you needed on just one leg so that it seemed as though it was running and when I thought I got the gist of it I found out that there was too many images of little motion that wasn't needed but when I got it it became a lot easier. I'll have to thank Jo for posing for me for a while and running =.=". To make a flip copy on animation ish of the soldier I drew, I was looking for a flip button but there wasn't any(that got me pretty annoyed). I exported the animation ish into images, flipped it and then inserted it back into animation ish and then GUESS WHAT? At school when trace was turned on and I watched my soldier running, I really liked it so I asked Mr Powell what he thinks and then he showed me how I can flip the soldier on animation ish and I was like (WHAT?! IF I KNEW THAT EARLIER I WOULDN'T HAVE NEEDED TO DO ALL THAT!! like WHYYYY didn't you tell us earlier??)but anyway, so I found a new way to flip drawings around on animation ish.

Walking soldier with shadow/ghost