Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Genre: psychological

Screenplay and realisation

Original music
Jerome Rossi
Sound design and mixing
Jean-Michel Collet


Stephanie Debureau
Peggy Martineau
Manuel Martin
Vanessa Mikowski
Jean-Michel Collet
Serge Chambon

Richard Van Den Boom 

Storyline Brief
One year ago,
Thomas Bresson, a brilliant and ambitious lawyer, and Elise, his finacee,
hit a man on the street by accident and ran away.

from this time, every night, Thomas is haunted by the same nightmare.
Haunted by the guilt, Elise warns him
that she can't keep this terrible secret any longer. In a furious frenzy, Thomas begins
his way to Hell.

But his path is to take many turns...

1.    Separately discuss the overall feel developed for each film’s promotional materials (is it clean, crisp and bright or dark, moody and grungy etc.)? Be as descriptive as possible, you could discuss the colours, textures, tone and use of movement in the website to create interest in the film.

2.    For each film reflect on how the film’s website is laid out. Look at the links, font and how the information or promotional materials are presented. Create a ‘tree’ which diagrammatically shows how the pages are linked to each other.

3.    Identify the Target Audience for each site (who are they? what age, interests, etc.) and discuss whether you feel the website is effective in appealing to this intended audience.

4.    Talk about what you like/dislike about the promotional material for each film. Why?

5.    Find a poster or advertisement for each film, save the images in to your folder and insert here. In as much detail as possible discuss the following:

·      The colour scheme: cool, warm, analogous, complementary, sensitive, calming, exciting, vibrant, simple, etc. and how it makes you feel
·      The focal point:  where do your eyes focus and why?
·      Sense of Balance:  Is the advertisement balanced in terms of line, tone, layout?
·      Harmony:  Do all of the advertisements elements (line, tone, colour, texture etc.) work well together to create harmony or a sense of completion
·      Unity: which elements unite or make the advertisement effective eg.  Use of a dominant colour scheme and high contrast to create unity.
·      What is the overall message being communicated about the film through the visual language in the poster or advertisement?

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