Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Answering Questions

1.    Describe any problems or difficulties your group encountered during the planning. These may include; organizational problems, group related issues, etc.

We didn't encounter any problems except for the one time when we had difficulty finding a suitable time to all get together and get filming done but other than that, everything else was pretty smooth. We didn't really have any problems with getting each other, we got the work done though the teacher may think different but i think our group worked pretty well in just getting it done.

2.    Clarify any time-management issues your group encountered during the planning process and describe the steps you implemented to improve in this area;

After some discussion, we were finally able to decide on one of the weekends and get everything done in one day. This worked very well for us as it didn't take as long as we expected. I even got some exercise that day in walking home before it got dark.

3.    Discuss whether your group made effective use of the provided templates to assist the film-making process;

We didn't really use any of the templates we used for planning, this is because we had the image of what we wanted in our minds and to just remind us of what we wanted we only had a look at our shot list once in a while.

4.    Explain whether the planning process helped your group during filming. In particular, discuss whether the use of devices such as storyboards, shot-lists, and rough edits assisted throughout the filming process;

Planning process helped our group immensely as a build up to filming as we didn't really refer to it during filming but the process did help us gather our ideas and have a clear image of what we wanted to achieve.

5.    Describe any problems or difficulties your group encountered during the filming process. These may include; organization problems, unreliable cast members, group related issues, equipment problems, etc.

One of casts on the day could not stay long as he had to go to training but we were still able to get everything done as we did his scene first. Other than that, everything went pretty smoothly.

6.    After reviewing your footage and completing the rough cut of your film, describe any aspects of your film, which need to be addressed. i.e does your group need to reshoot any scenes; are any additional shots required; are there any scenes which worked better than expected.

Stephs idea of filming as she rolled the camera as though it was Nate rolling down turned out really well. In addition to our improv of throwing the rock into the water and just filming the splash as though it was Nate who fell in. I beleive we don't need to refilm anything as after some editing and putting some bits and pieces together, it looks really good. 

7.    List any skills, techniques or tricks you have discovered during the project.

I discovered that zooming in slowly while the camera was still running is really difficult as it's hard to keep it smooth and not zoom in too much that you'd have to zoom out again.

8.    Discuss whether you undertook adequate and detailed reflection to throughout your project. Have you provided enough evidence to support your work? (Look back at your blogs/journals and think about whether it looks like 6 weeks worth of work).

I think I have blogged regularly? at least i hope i have.

Discuss your feelings about the production task:
9.    Are you satisfied with your groups final result?

yes, as it didn't take long and still turned out great.

10.    Would like to change any aspects of your film?

Yes, but that's why we still have to edit the film right? otherwise whats the point of editing if i didn't want to change any part of it. xD

- screeennnnnn for the flashbacks
- cut the ending down a bit so that it cuts off just as the fry pan hits her hand. ( cut off retrieval part)
-  I think we need to add a bit of the flashback to after the talk with serena and start the the nxt flashback with the fight just before he falls.

11.    If you could start the project again what would you do differently?

 I wouldn't do anything different, I like it when things go smoothly and quickly.

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