Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Answering Questions

1.    Describe any problems or difficulties your group encountered during the planning. These may include; organizational problems, group related issues, etc.

We didn't encounter any problems except for the one time when we had difficulty finding a suitable time to all get together and get filming done but other than that, everything else was pretty smooth. We didn't really have any problems with getting each other, we got the work done though the teacher may think different but i think our group worked pretty well in just getting it done.

2.    Clarify any time-management issues your group encountered during the planning process and describe the steps you implemented to improve in this area;

After some discussion, we were finally able to decide on one of the weekends and get everything done in one day. This worked very well for us as it didn't take as long as we expected. I even got some exercise that day in walking home before it got dark.

3.    Discuss whether your group made effective use of the provided templates to assist the film-making process;

We didn't really use any of the templates we used for planning, this is because we had the image of what we wanted in our minds and to just remind us of what we wanted we only had a look at our shot list once in a while.

4.    Explain whether the planning process helped your group during filming. In particular, discuss whether the use of devices such as storyboards, shot-lists, and rough edits assisted throughout the filming process;

Planning process helped our group immensely as a build up to filming as we didn't really refer to it during filming but the process did help us gather our ideas and have a clear image of what we wanted to achieve.

5.    Describe any problems or difficulties your group encountered during the filming process. These may include; organization problems, unreliable cast members, group related issues, equipment problems, etc.

One of casts on the day could not stay long as he had to go to training but we were still able to get everything done as we did his scene first. Other than that, everything went pretty smoothly.

6.    After reviewing your footage and completing the rough cut of your film, describe any aspects of your film, which need to be addressed. i.e does your group need to reshoot any scenes; are any additional shots required; are there any scenes which worked better than expected.

Stephs idea of filming as she rolled the camera as though it was Nate rolling down turned out really well. In addition to our improv of throwing the rock into the water and just filming the splash as though it was Nate who fell in. I beleive we don't need to refilm anything as after some editing and putting some bits and pieces together, it looks really good. 

7.    List any skills, techniques or tricks you have discovered during the project.

I discovered that zooming in slowly while the camera was still running is really difficult as it's hard to keep it smooth and not zoom in too much that you'd have to zoom out again.

8.    Discuss whether you undertook adequate and detailed reflection to throughout your project. Have you provided enough evidence to support your work? (Look back at your blogs/journals and think about whether it looks like 6 weeks worth of work).

I think I have blogged regularly? at least i hope i have.

Discuss your feelings about the production task:
9.    Are you satisfied with your groups final result?

yes, as it didn't take long and still turned out great.

10.    Would like to change any aspects of your film?

Yes, but that's why we still have to edit the film right? otherwise whats the point of editing if i didn't want to change any part of it. xD

- screeennnnnn for the flashbacks
- cut the ending down a bit so that it cuts off just as the fry pan hits her hand. ( cut off retrieval part)
-  I think we need to add a bit of the flashback to after the talk with serena and start the the nxt flashback with the fight just before he falls.

11.    If you could start the project again what would you do differently?

 I wouldn't do anything different, I like it when things go smoothly and quickly.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Throughout the time of filming, we were very lucky that the weather on the day was really good and the lighting was just right, so we didnt really have much trouble in getting through filming. We made sure that if we were to do any retakes or shoot the same scene from a different angle that everything was consistant. This also meant that our main character had to change outfits back and forth during filming depnding on what we decided to film first. Our outfits were very casual and modern as it the storyline is set in the present. This also made it really simple for us to film and not have to worry about what can be shown and what can't for example if it was set in the olden times, you wouldnt be able to have a modern car in the background. There was a part where our actor/actress was unable to act including dialogue without having to cut halfway through so we decided to have no dialogue instead put music for that part and they  just needed to do the acting part. There was also a part where the main character slaps her boyfriend, for the sound of the 'slap', as we do not want to literally slap the actor, the boyfriend timed it that he clapped his the moment the main character pretends to slap him in the face. Overall the shooting was smooth and we did not have much trouble at all, it was a fun experience that I learnt many things from.

Sunday, August 5, 2012


YAYYYY!!! we finished filming yesterday :DDD
Hopefully we have everything we need but I'm pretty sure we do. It went really smoothly and quickly yesterday and we had a lot of fun.

Today Miss Preston gave us an intro to final cut pro.
To start we set up a new project
Then input footage
Final Cut Pro -> easy set up -> Format Apple Intermediate Codec Use Apple Intermediate Codec 720p30 29.97 -> set up
Final Cut Pro -> System settings -> Scratch disks set to hard drive
Drag footage onto timeline
Stretch grey bar to change how much of the timeline you can see
Unlink footage if you don't want the sound
If a red line appears something needs to be rendered
Sequence -> render
razor tool  to cut footage
then arrow to move and shuffle parts around
Drag transitions and put in between ur clips onto timeline
Video filters to make footage black and white etc.

Afterrr.... just played around with final cut pro xD

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Today the group began the script for our shoots on Sunday this weekend.

Shot List

Production Title: Forgotten Shoot Date: 22/06,12-14/07/2012

Shot No. Shot Name Scene No. Location Shot Movement Description of Action Characters Lighting Notes  
Type Angle Type  
1   1 House (Bedroom) Close Up Birds Eye View -  wakes up Blaire normal/natural  
2     Random Random Random none Continuous shots Blaire and Nate Black and White  
3     House (Bedroom) Mid none pans to clock sitting at side of bed Blaire natural/normal  
4   2 School long  none sweep storming towards serena Blaire and Serena natural/normal  
5     School Mid none zoom in  storming towards serena Blaire and Serena natural/normal  
6       Mid none none Talking "                           " natural/normal  
7     School Close Up none none Talking Serena and Nate natural/normal  
8     School Mid Side none Serena shaking Blaire Serena and Blaire natural/normal  
9   3 School  long none sweep opening locker Dan natural/normal  
10       mid side none Jogging, turn around, hug, shaking Blaire Dan and Blaire natural/normal  
11   4 Big Hill long side zoom in picnicing Blaire and Nate Black and White  
12       Close Up none none talking on phone/storming off Blaire and Nate Black and White  
13       mid side none talk, push, stumble down hill Blaire and Nate Black and White  
14     Cliff below long high none muffled scream and falling to death Nate Black and White  
15     Big Hill Extreme close up none none Moving of feet and moving backwards  Blaire Black and White  
16   5 School Close up   Moving upwards Camera moves from feet to face  Blaire Normal  
17       Long   None Blaire runs away  Blaire  Normal  
18   6 House Mid   None Blaire bursts into the room crying  Blaire  Normal  
19       Long   None Parents run up to Blaire, worried and asking what's wrong Parents  Normal  
20       Mid   None Blaire repeats the whole situation, not stopping to even breathe Blaire Normal  
21       Close Up    None Parents look guilty and they look at each other nervously Parents Normal  
22       Mid   None Blaire suddenly stops crying as she has a realisation moment  Blaire  Normal   
23           None She stammers as she asks her parents what made her forget the whole situation.  Blaire and Parents  Normal   
24       Mid   None The mother tries to change the subject. Mother Normal  
25           None The father cuts the mum mid sentence and says that she has the right to know  Father Normal  
26           None Blaire looks at her mum and then her dad, clearly confused.  Blaire Normal  
27       Long   None The screen cuts to show Blaire running into the house, crying hysterically  Blaire Black and White  
28           Quick Pan  Screen pans quickly to the left to show Blaire's parents with shocked expressions Blaire and Parents  Black and White  
29         High    Blaire bursts out, repeating everything that happened on the cliff that night and starts crying again.  Blaire Black and White  
30         High Follows Blaire Blaire runs away and shuts herself into her room, leaving her parents dumbstrucked.  Blaire and Parents Black and White  
31         Low   Blaire's parents quickly and very quietly discuss the effects of her confession in secret.  Parents  Black and White  
32         None   Blaire's parents knock on the door of Blaire's room.  Parents  Black and White  
33         None Camera follows parents inside of the room  Blaire's parents walk in to Blaire's room and the camera shows Blair sitting with her back to the camera.  Parents and Blaire Black and White  
34       Mid Over the shoulder   Blaire's parents strike Blaire with a frypan, knocking her out.  Parents and Blaire Black and White  
35       Extreme close up Birds Eye View   Blaire's eyes slowly close into unconciousness.       

Production Title: Forgotten
Props Master: Everyone
Scene 2  to  2 .
Director: Everyone
Scene #
Characters Required
Props/Costumes Required
7 Realisation

9 Flashback
-Fry pan

Production Title: Forgotten
Props Master: Everyone
Scene 1 to 2  .
Scene #
Characters Required
Props/Costumes Required
-   Clock
-   Bed
-   Casual clothes


-   Casual clothes
-   Provocative clothing style (Serena)
3 Flashback

- Casual (Nate)

5 Lockers
- Lockers

6 Flashback