Sunday, October 9, 2011

Creative Media Analysis Task – Year9 2011

Factory from citrusink on Vimeo.

Animation – Factory

This animation, Factory was made by Miwa Matreyek around two years ago, in 2009. Some literal objects that can be seen in the animation are people, factories, buildings, smoke, tools, hands, scientists, airships, blender, machines and computers. These may be literal objects but some are displayed as something else like metaphors. For example, the large hand shown, that repetitively picks up things, can be a representation of machinery which picks up things like a hand does. Machinery is possible representation as machines are usually only given orders to do repetitive work. The first thing noticed when watching this animation was the smoke as the title, factory, lead one to think of pollution as today, being environmental and air pollution are well known to all ages. Afterwards it is recognized that the main focus is not about pollution but repetitive work and work that many have no interest of at all.

The facial expression on the people seems serious and just concentrating in getting the work done, for the sake of getting it done. In addition, the effect of it being black and white makes it even duller. All the shapes and images shown are very realistic, the straight and sharp edges suggests that it was cut out from maybe a magazine and made into something like a collage, stuck down flat but then there was the motion of the objects, which contradicts the notion. Many of the lines are straight bold and thin horizontal in motion that suggests stability and strength but also calming and peaceful as they just continue with their jobs quietly and individually.

It is difficult to tell the time of this animation as it is in black and white but since the beginning shows people entering the factory to start work it would seem like it was in the day as that is when most people start working but it is also possible that some factories start working in the dark at night. Then turning to look at the animation again, the colour of the background and sky shown is white and not black therefore, suggesting that it is in the day and not night.

The overall visual effect of the repetition gives the mood of boring work and the dullness gives the feeling that the people are not enjoying their work at all.

After surveying some people, some friends has suggested that it seemed very repetitive and they random. They are unable to come to a conclusion as to what is going on. Many family members have thought that it was really depressing in its own way and overall many were just confused as to what is going on and therefore, did not have much to say.

The black and white colours give the animation an overall effect of a peaceful, plain and repetitive life. The sounds are just as repetitive as the actions shown, its all mainly the sounds of machinery and metal sounds, tapping and anything that is shown, nothing too random. The sounds just go with what motions are shown which make it more realistic as opposed to it being just the images moving with no sound. The sound complements the motions of the images giving it more of an affect.

This animation gives one the image of how repetitive peoples everyday lives are and how many, despite disliking their job must continue with it as they have no choice, they need to earn money for a living but as children, children have a choice and should cherish it, to think over things carefully and thoroughly before making the choices that will affect their future forever. As they don’t want their lives to be black and white but filled with colours everyday, to be able to put a smile on their faces as they face a new day, to be alive and not be like a dead machine.

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