Saturday, March 19, 2011

Avatar in 'Love'

For this one I changed one of the previously researched flames purple and for the background purple background I found one that had a centre point sort of thing towards the right and my avatar couple was towards the right so I thought it was just right to make the avatar couple on the right the centre point.

My first trial didn't really work out when I tried to make it so that the place they are in contact is purple and it gently changes to blue (towards the girl) and red (towards the boy)like their flames were only just starting to change as they are falling in love but it didn't really work out and the couple on this one was too cramped up together.

I found another one and decided to do it all purple so that the fact that they were pruple stood out more. The background idea is the same and the holes oh the male's sleeve is in fact suppose to be holes as the jacket is burning, since they were on fire and the picture I found his sleeve was in the forground, it would have seemed weird if nothing was wrong with it since fabric burns and thought that I could make it seem like it was on fire but it didn't seem to work...

In Addition, I kind of made it a little pinkish purple as I thought it was romance and if it was like dark dark and full on purple it wouldn't have seem as good as having it pinkish purple so that it gave off a little cuteness in the romance as pink is close to red.

If I could have another go at this Avatar couple I'd make the burning clothing seem more realstic and make the two avatars faces (heads) stand out more, although I thought that the couple could be hiding behind the flames of the sleeves as they were just about the kisss, you know, a bit of privacy.^^

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