Monday, March 21, 2011

Final Products

Each separate one of these avatars made here give off their own unique feeling. Together, the blue and red flames even eachother out as they are complete opposites, whatever the blue doesn't have the red has and whatever the red doesn't have the does. The two together balances eachother out and therefore makes a perfect pair and changing their colours to purple a colour that makes them look cool but gives them uncertainty and fear towards eachother's trust and constantly needing clarification but that's what love is all about right?

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Avatar in 'Love'

For this one I changed one of the previously researched flames purple and for the background purple background I found one that had a centre point sort of thing towards the right and my avatar couple was towards the right so I thought it was just right to make the avatar couple on the right the centre point.

My first trial didn't really work out when I tried to make it so that the place they are in contact is purple and it gently changes to blue (towards the girl) and red (towards the boy)like their flames were only just starting to change as they are falling in love but it didn't really work out and the couple on this one was too cramped up together.

I found another one and decided to do it all purple so that the fact that they were pruple stood out more. The background idea is the same and the holes oh the male's sleeve is in fact suppose to be holes as the jacket is burning, since they were on fire and the picture I found his sleeve was in the forground, it would have seemed weird if nothing was wrong with it since fabric burns and thought that I could make it seem like it was on fire but it didn't seem to work...

In Addition, I kind of made it a little pinkish purple as I thought it was romance and if it was like dark dark and full on purple it wouldn't have seem as good as having it pinkish purple so that it gave off a little cuteness in the romance as pink is close to red.

If I could have another go at this Avatar couple I'd make the burning clothing seem more realstic and make the two avatars faces (heads) stand out more, although I thought that the couple could be hiding behind the flames of the sleeves as they were just about the kisss, you know, a bit of privacy.^^

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Blue Flame Female

I really like the way I've done the eyes for this one, it really makes them stand out but my hair wasn't done really well so I put the layer of flame for the hair in front of the layer of just blue hair. If I could do it again, I'd make sure to cut out the hair in more detail and make is so that the whole female stands out more from the background.

Blue Flame Research

Here I researched several different blue flames. The flame used for the background had 3 layers of the same flame but flipped and turned. Originally, I wanted a calm, lighter blue flame for the background but I decided that it would make the girl seem too fragile, when I wanted them to look independant like they didn't need a man to rely on and live but needed them for love and what they are missing within themselves, like a thrill in life.

Red Flame Male

Here the first one is an example that the teacher showed. This Avatars hair unfortunately stood out more than the eyes. So, If I could do this again, I'd make sure that the eyes were bigger and brighter and made it so that the male seemed stronger and much more powerful(had more strength).

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Two Main Originals

These are my two mains. I chose them because I wanted them to not be fragile but a race who are able to survive independantly. I really wanted to make my avatars that the first thing you look at was the eyes and I thought the eyes of these two people stood out and they really had quite the stare/gaze.

Red Flame Research

Here is some research on some red flames and some things peopel did to draw things out of flames, like make them look flamey sort of thing. Here Mr Powell showed me how they did it and that it would've had lots of layers of just lines with different colours, it may look simple but it would've taken ages to do.

Personality Profile

My race of people/ Avatar are unique in their own way. They are made of flames but very human like, they are always burning brightly til the day they die. The male are always the red flame as they are more aggressive compared to females who are usually calm. They have opposite characteristics and flames as there is a saying that opposites attract and so my race of people are that females are opposite to the males but when they come together and fall in love they have the flame of purple because blue and red makes purple, although the colour purple isn't really a romantic colour but it shows that when you fall in love there is uncertainty towards the trust within eachother and fear of losing one another.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Colour Research

I researched some colours and what feelings and what you see in them, like what you would get from a colour and what that colour sort of represents. This helped me with coming up an idea for my avatar...

Angelina Jolie's Head Morphed with another Character

I went back to this one and fixed it up so that the background was cleaned up properly and that you don't see any random lines of the boarder of the separate pictures.

Skin Layering & Morphing a Person

Here I put a skin layer of the sky with the opacity down and some wings where the eyes are. The wings were changed with hue saturation and flipped. Some part of the hair was also done with layers of wings in different positions and directions, masked and using a brush to rub parts out so that it fitted.


Here I took a picture of Angelina Jolie in the right position and took the head and placed it on the body of another picture. It wasn't really done well, like i didn't really rub everything out right and you could see bits and pieces but I didn't feel like doing anymore of it afterwards so I left it like this for a while.

Friday, March 11, 2011


I researched for my victims who I would be doing some experiments on and since the clothing I researched clothing that was for girls. I found my female celeberities in some of the positions and had the looks(facial expression)that I wanted.


These are some research for clothing and magical things... Ones that I can use that would go with the wings and just to give me some ideas but in the end these weren't used for my avatar. I really liked the way these dressess flowed and traditional style, like the elegance and beauty...